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T-shirts Cowboy

Cowboy Boots

    Cowboy Boots

    Cowboy Boots
    Womens Cowboy Boots
    Cowboy boots may exude a macho male aura but they're just as much a favorite with women. From tall boots in soft leather, boots in stiletto heels, a little fringe, pastel shades, a Western flare or a winsome tattoo -- small feminine touches can make even a tough boot look elegant.

    For sturdy practicality, boots made as a single, closely stitched piece not only protects the wearer from water but also mud and dirt. Punks to mark a distinct identity once wore most boots, like Dr Marten’s lace ups. However, cowboy boots have since gained huge popularity in women's wear and are now quite the fashion statement. The fashion-conscious lady has a lot to choose from.
    Cowboy Boots
    Tapered heels, pointed toes, zip-up boots, and bootstraps, ankle boots in classic leather and suede styles. Boots come with decorative features like buckles, fringes, embroidery or tattoos and elegant bows. Some women like a flat boot or a wedge heel to wear to work or for an evening out on the town. As fashion goes, cowboy boots are “in" for both casual and sophisticated wear. And, it seems that the way cowboy boots are selling, money is no object.
    Cowboy Boots
    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/08/
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    A Practical Guide to Buying Toddler's Clothing
    Buying clothing for toddlers is even more exciting than buying baby clothing, there are a few things parents need to consider when choosing appropriate clothing for their little ones. Your toddler might be beginning to walk or cruise around furniture, it's important to buy clothes that won't get caught on furniture or trip your toddler up.

    Toddlers need clothes which allow them the freedom to explore their surroundings, and where possible protect their knees. It is easy to get caught by the old saying 'she'll grow into them', but be careful that your toddler's clothes are not so big that they could trip on the length of the clothing. Having said that, 3/4 length pants can be an advantage when purchased too long. your toddler can wear them as full length jeans and then as capri pants. That's great value for money!
    Toddlers need good quality clothing which will stand the test of climbing, crawling, getting mucky and being washed and washed again! Often good quality, durable clothes cost a bit more, but your little one will get lots more wear out of these garments and this is where you will see your value for money.

    Toddlers spend lots of time painting, drawing, using playdough, in the sandpit, digging dirt, riding bikes and doing anything else which will get them dirty. Don't choose your little one’s best clothes for these occasions, you don't need to be upset if something you love gets messy, choose clothing you are not worried about getting mucky. We all know toddlers need to play and get dirty, your little one’s clothing needs to be suitable for everyday play situations.

    Certain care should be taken while washing and storing your toddler’s clothing for maintaining their appearance and durability. You should wash and dry toddler’s clothing following the instructions tagged on them.

    1. Just as when you shop for clothes for yourself, you need to know the size of the clothing your toddler wears now. Toddlers grow fast, so the clothes you bought two months ago may already be tight on your little one. Take a look at the clothes you have now and how they fit your child. If they seem to be getting tight, buy a size or two bigger this time.
    2. Clothes for toddlers often come with features that allow them to grow without growing out of their clothes. For instance, it is smart to buy toddler clothes that use Velcro closures. Velcro gives as toddlers grow. The same goes for elastic waistbands that can expand with your child.

    3. You can also buy clothing a size too big for toddlers. This is a common practice, especially for people who do not want to buy more clothes in a short period of time. Just be sure the clothes fit your toddler well enough to allow them to be active without hindering their movements. You don’t want the clothes to be so big that the arms cover your toddler’s hands or the pant cuffs drag on the floor. One size up should be sufficient to provide your child with room to grow.

    4. The other comfort factor for your toddler is the material used to make the clothes. Cotton remains the most versatile material, one that breathes during hot weather, and that can keep toddlers warm in cooler weather. Cotton can also be washed many times. There are also synthetic materials that are used in toddler’s clothing. If you want to purchase toddler clothes made of synthetic materials, just make sure the label states that the clothes are fire retardant.

    5. Finally, pick clothes for your toddler that speak to your sense of style. Some people prefer off-the-rack toddler clothes sold in department stores, which can certainly be inexpensive, but not always the best value for money. Boutique clothing offers better quality, durable garments which will stand the test of time. The other option is unique and one-of-a-kind toddler clothing found in boutiques. If you want your toddler to wear something different than other children, this is the route for you.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/08/
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"Now you see & Now you don't" Cookies

    I made Chocolate Chips Cookies for my husband's collegues. All the varieties...Normal Chocolate Chips Cookies, Chocolate Chips with Hazelnuts cookies & Chocolate Chips Oats cookies. Until one day, the boss, Hasrin, requested Chocolate Chips with Nestum cookies.It was a hit! Everyone likes them, even my kids love them. At home,a full container will be empty by the end of the day...." Now you see them & now you don't"

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/08/
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Cheese Cake Anyone?

More Cakes

    14 August 2009

    These two cakes were for my husband's collegues' August birthdays.
    The first one is Chocolate Orange Sponge cake, topped with fresh cream & orange flavored jelly.

    The other one is a Marbled Cheese Cake.

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/08/
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Ana Muslim

    26 July 2009
    A family friend, Iam, wanted two cakes...daughter's birthday. Something different.My daughter came up with the 'Ana Muslim' idea actually.
    Both are layered chocolate & orange sponge cakes, topped with fresh cream. Yummy!!!

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/08/
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Soccer, Soccer

    8 August 2009
    A friend of a friend wanted a soccer cake for her two sons' birthdays. This is the fifth time I made such cake. This time the ball is Vanilla Buttercake & the field base is Orange Buttercake.
    Glad to make some kids (& parents too!) happy.

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/08/
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50 Cupcakes

    9 August 2009
    A friend,Yati, requested 50 cupcakes, orange & chocolate for her daughter's birthday.The result; yellow sweetpeas on the orange cupcakes & red swirl roses on the chocolate cupcakes.

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/08/
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