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Cowgirl Hats

Cowboy Fashion

    Cowboy Fashion
    Cowboy Fashion
    Technically speaking, all Stetson Company hats can be branded as a Stetson. However, American popular culture has created for us the image of a Stetson hat as the classic cowboy hat. Cowboy hats are distinguished as having wide brims and high, distinctly-shaped crowns. Straw, fur, and wool felt are the common materials used for making these hats. Straw, aside from being cheaper, is the best hat for during hot weather. However, age and long wear might cause it to become brittle. For durability, fur felt hats of either beaver or rabbit are best though more expensive. If you think that you can put on any cowboy hat and it will do, you might be surprised that there are fashion do's and dont's when it comes to wearing one.
    Cowboy Fashion
    Cowboy Fashion
    Banish the thought that real cowboys only wear one hat. Real cowboys have several cowboy hats and other than function, they have other reasons. First, straw and hats of light color are fashionable and must be worn only in the summer or dry seasons. This is because they are airy, breathable, and as your science teacher always says, light colors absorb less heat. Second, the season for dark colored and felt hat is during the colder months. Aside from protecting the head against the bitter weather, these hats also absorb more heat, thereby keeping the cowboy warm. Though no clear reason is given why, white hats are no-no after the celebration of Labor day. You might just be branded as a fashion flop if you do so.
    Cowboy Fashion
    Cowboy Fashion
    Okay you got your hat and you know how to wear one, but still, it's not enough to project a cowboy image. Cowboys follow certain etiquette when wearing hats, and you would do yourself a good deed to do as they do. Cowboy hats are not worn indoors except in public places that are enclosed and large (malls, square dance halls). Like all other hats, take it off when seated at a table, especially during meals. Wearing it while dining gives the impolite impression that you're in a hurry to finish eating and leave. A big no is wearing it inside Churches. If you feel like wearing it in a church, by all means attend service at a Cowboy Church.

    Cowboys pay respect to ladies. Doff your hat to passing ladies by way of greeting and respect. Don't exclude men in uniform either. Church officials are also rendered the same courtesy. To do this properly, bow your head slightly at an angle and hold your hat by its crown. Lift it slightly as if taking it off, pause, and place it back. During services that require standing for a period of time (flag ceremonies, mass) hold your hat by its crown at chest level as if in a semi-hug. Now that you've learned your hat basics and etiquette, brush your cowboy hats and head out. The town needs you partner.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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Western Women's Clothing

Mens Western Shirts

Red Cowboy Boots

    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Red Cowboy Boots
    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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Justin Cowboy Boots

    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Justin Cowboy Boots
    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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Crazy Hats

Cowboy Clothes

    Cowboy Clothes

    Mistake #1. Not Practicing Enough. Sure, practicing your quick draw is a give, but if you need to practice enough to get from Point A to Point B, many people make the mistake of working until they reach Point B and then assuming they're good enough. But practice and competition are two different things and no matter how "cool under fire" you may be, nerves come into play during the actual match.

    Instead of stopping when you're at Point B, keep practicing until you're at Point C, Point D, or beyond. The farther beyond the point where you think you need to be, the more "room for error" you have available when you're competing.

    Mistake #2. Not Practicing In Your Gear. While you're probably practicing with the same gun you'll use in competition, some people make the mistake of practicing in street clothes rather than the cowboy clothes they'll use on match day. No matter how much you practice, different surroundings and yes, even different clothes can make a difference.Cowboy Clothes

    That's one reason why actors in plays have dress rehearsals -- because no matter how well you know your lines, once the costume is on things are different enough that it can throw even the best. The same happens with cowboy fast draw -- if you're going to compete as a cowboy, you'd better do at least some of your practicing as a cowboy.

    Mistake #3. Just Guessing At How Fast You Are. You wouldn't think of training for a foot race without using a stopwatch to see how well you're doing, so don't train for a quick draw competition without measuring your performance, either. You can't gauge how well you're doing by how it "feels." Fast draw is a "facts and figures" kind of sport and only a timer will be able to tell you what kind of progress you're making.

    If you can afford a professional target and timer that's probably the best bet, but even a less expensive timer can do the trick -- as long as it was designed for cowboy fast draw. Keep a record of each practice session so you can

    In summary, you'll do better in fast draw matches if you practice more than you think you need to, practice in your cowboy clothes, and use a timer to see your progress.

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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Cowboy Chaps

    cowboy chaps
    cowboy chaps
    cowboy chaps
    Cowboy Collectibles include many pieces you can use to accessorize your home or office. Vintage items like horse bits, cowboy spurs or old prints are all great conversation pieces with an interesting bit of history. Guns are some of the most easily found; gun shows, flea markets, and estate auctions can reveal hidden treasures. No matter the item, cowboy collectibles are pieces of America's rich history.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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Western Fashion

    Whether you're a cowboy at heart, or you simply adore Western style, then surely you have to have at least one Western belt buckles in your collection. Western belt buckles have just the right rugged and rustic appeal to complement the Western style and way of living. It's just the right accessory for your rugged denims and cowboy boots and hat.

    But it's more than just an accessory to some people. Western fashion belt buckles say something about the wearer's character and personality, and makes him unique and distinctive. Not only that, these belt buckles showcase pride and craftsmanship with its ornate and elaborate designs.
    Western Fashion
    Originally, cowboys had no need to wear belts. They usually wore suspenders to hold up their pants. But as Western hit the big screen and cowboy actors started sporting oversized buckles, people started to wear these large and rugged buckles as well. It was the birth of a trend that was made to last over the ages, and is even a craze up to this very moment.

    Now, belt buckles are becoming the latest accessory, and they come in all shapes, sizes, designs, and materials. It comes in many themes that are sure to capture the hearts of many people, regardless of personality or gender. Whether you're a rock star, goth, punk, or sports fan, you're sure to love using these buckles in order to make a statement about your personality.
    Western Fashion
    But the Western style is something that most people prefer, and Western belt buckles are best sellers. Traditional Western buckles are often given out as trophies and medals in rodeos, where it is handed down to the best rodeo rider for that event. Therefore, these are often displayed and worn with pride and dignity.

    But nowadays, even you can get a Western fashion buckle even without winning an event. There are many stores today that sell these buckles that still exhibit the same rustic and rugged Western appeal. Most popular designs include the bull rider, the word "rodeo", eagles, guns, steer head, boots and saddle, spurs, horseshoe, animals like horses and the buffalo, and Texas and other Southern state signs. Usually, these are silver or gold plated, and may come in a round, oval, or square shape. There are also some buckles that are shaped according to the design.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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Western Show Clothing

    Have you ever noticed that the western show clothing at a horse show seems like a mounted fashion show? There is so much variety in the styles and colors that exhibitors choose it can be difficult to decide what works best for you.
    Western Show Clothing
    Fashions for western classes seem to change every year and it can be difficult to keep up with the Jones', especially if they are on horseback. By keeping a few simple rules in mind for the classes you plan on showing in, and you choose colors and patterns that are flattering the whole process of picking the right outfit is much easier than it seems.

    Below we will be discussing a few of those simple class guidelines and recommendations you should consider when picking out your next piece of western show clothing.
    Western Show Clothing
    What Outfit Do You Need For Showmanship & Halter?

    Both showmanship and halter classes require you to show your horse in-hand. This means the two of you will be up close and personal with the judge, well depending on how well mannered your horse tends to be.

    In showmanship, your horse is more of a prop and the judge focuses on you and your ability to execute a pattern. Since the judging is emphasized more on the visitor, it is a good idea to choose an outfit that may minimize actions occurring at your hands and legs. For this reason, darker shades are typically used. You will likely find lighter colors in the show ring, but keep in mind that these lighter colors tend to emphasize movement.

    You also want to make sure that you present yourself in a solid clean line, so your pants should match your top to avoid cutting your overall picture in half. Two different colors would also draw more attention to one half or the other which is not good in a showmanship pattern.

    In halter the judge focuses on the horse. It is 100% (for the most part) on conformation and your horse either has it or he doesn't. For this reason you will likely see more of a variety in exhibitor apparel. Some show in a showmanship outfit, while others will pair a halter jacket with a pair of black pants or even jeans.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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Straw Cowboy Hats

    John Stetson sold the first cowboy hat about 150 years ago, and over the past century and a half they have only increased in popularity. In the old west, cowboy hats were not worn for fashion but for their usefulness. This hat had many purposes. It was good for keeping the elements off your head and it could also hold water. Straw cowboy hats seem to be among the most popular even since the days of the old west.
    Straw Cowboy Hats
    In modern times, the cowboy hat has increased in popularity. This is for one reason and one reason alone, fashion. The cowboy hat has become a fashion statement for cowboys and those who call themselves cowboys. Furthermore, the cowboy hat is no longer just for cowboys; you will see many women wearing them in fashionable colors and patterns as well.
    Straw Cowboy Hats
    Straw Cowboy Hats
    It may come as no surprise to you that cowboy hats made of straw are more popular than those made of felt or leather. Everywhere you will see all kinds of people wearing them. You may have seen your neighbor wearing them while doing yard work. You may even see the tourist wearing them while out at a theme park or at the beach.

    You may not know it, but there is a good reason for cowboy hats to be made of straw. Because they are woven, these hats let in more air than the ones made of felt or leather. Despite this difference they are still good at keeping the sun out of your eyes and off your head. However, if it starts to rain, you may find that your head will get wet.
    Straw Cowboy Hats
    Straw Cowboy Hats
    There are many types of straw that these hats can be made from, and thankfully, most of them are not very expensive. Still, it's a good idea to check what kind of straw is used before you buy. One of the most popular types is toquilla straw.

    Toquilla straw is made from Ecuadorian palm trees. Straw hats made from toquilla are called panama straw hats. If you are looking for one of these hats you should be able to find one almost anywhere. Just have a look around the garden section of your local department store; these hats are also pretty cheap as well.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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Pink Cowboy Boots

    If you want to be unique and fashionable at the same time, try to invest on a pink cowboy boots. It will surely give your cowboy outfit an added spice and style.

    If you're about to shop for one, you can check for available boots online. Log on to your favorite search engine site and type pink cowboy boots. You will definitely find something that will suit your taste and needs. Searching on the internet also allows you to compare prices, designs and materials used before deciding on which shoe to purchase. Not only that, there are some product reviews that you can read, so you'll know more about the product.
    Pink Cowboy Boots
    There are those made out of patent leather or suede, some have fringes and trinkets, there are knee-high boots, etc. There are also those tailored for the kids. Choose one that uses lightweight materials, this way you can move around freely. For better comfort, choose one that has a soft foot bed. The closure is also important.
    Pink Cowboy Boots
    This foot wear will certainly complete your riding ensemble. Aside from that, you can also wear it to parties and other informal functions. You can definitely catch everyone's attention by wearing this boot. So it is best to choose an outfit that will compliment its design, color and style.
    Pink Cowboy Boots
    Ultimately, a foot wear should not only be fashionable, it should be durable and fit for its purpose. So before spending your valuable money shop around and check the materials used. This way, you are assured that your money is wisely-spent.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/02/
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