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    21 February 2011

    I have been hearing about this craze a few weeks now. Apparently this latest cake trend is blowing full swing! Its the talk of town...it's Red Velvet cake!
    Hmm...must be REALLY good since I 've received a few queries. I did some research on the internet....what else! Found this recipe at www.joyofbaking.com.

    This is what it looked like...fresh from my oven:

    AND this is what it looked like 10 minutes later:

    Ha..Ha...I know! My little girl ( who doesn't usually eat cake ) could't resist the temptation...the SMELL.
    She loves it!!!

    AND this is what I ended up decorating...didn't have the whole round cake to start with:

    Look like "Pac-Man" cake ....

    AND the' delicious' look...I reduced the red color. Too scared to put too much...guess I have to stick to the recipe to get the 'LOOK'.

    Oh yes...I used my own version of Cream Cheese Icing....simpler version of course. Cream Cheese icing with White Chocolate shavings.

    Now I know why those velvety taste is to die for. Since this was my first attempt...you'll be posted on my next attempt...Red Velvet Cupcakes.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2011/02/
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Blue and Gray Cellphone Clipart

    Last time I brought you an image of a tablet cellphone, and today's image is of a similar model of cellphone. But this tablet mobile phone is gray and blue, making it unique and different from the last one. If you like these colors and this model of cellphone, then maybe you will be pleased with the clip art image below and use it on your website.

    This particular cellular phone looks just like the very first cellphone I ever owned. It was a nokia phone, but the colors were the same and the design was the same as this one.

    Blue and grey mobile phone clipart image

    Enjoy the mobile phone clipartSource URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2011/02/
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She is a mother now!

    Ain just gave birth to a baby girl last week. Congratulation dear!
    These were the cake and cupcakes I did for her wedding  last year. How time flies!

    24 April 2010

    The ultimate flower basket....I used all store bought flowers...since this is less than 36-hour work, from baking till the finish product; like this one you see in this photo.

    30 April 2010

    These were the cupcakes they brought for the wedding celebration on the groom's side.
    Less is more!!!

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2011/02/
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Tablet Cellphone Clipart

    Last time we brought you a clipart image of a mobile phone. But there are obviously many different types of cellphones, and the below image is a tablet cellphone clipart image. Personally I hate these type of tablet cellphones because when I put them in my pocket all the buttons get inadvertently pushed, sometimes shutting the phone off or making an accidental phone call. But I do have one tablet mobile phone that I use when traveling abroad.

    Tablet cellphone clipart image mobile telephone

    I hope the above mobile phone clipart is useful!Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2011/02/
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