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Back to Class 2

    7 November 2009

    In midst of baking & decorating, 'magically' I can still find time to continue with Wilton Method Cake Decorating Course 2 (Flowers & Borders). It was for about 3 hours for four consecutive Saturdays. Besides I get to meet friends...only 5 of us left from the first course.
    These are what we did...clockwise from the top left hand corner : daffodils, Wilton rose, swirl rose, daisy, faces, shell borders,primrose, pansy, apple blossom, rose bud, chrysanthemum, violet, weaving & another shell border. Amazing...all royal icing flowers.

    And what's more amazing is that we had to complete a flower basket cake for the final class, Nov 7. Look at all beautiful flower baskets... aaaaa, too pretty to eat.

    My creation:

    Our creations:

    The 'graduates' with WMI Nahdzah & Yummie outlet owner, Chyntia.

    Next...Course 3 ( Fondant & Tiered Cakes)Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/12/back-to-class-2.html
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