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In all of the wedding cake, hope is the sweetest of plums. - Douglas Jerrold

    12 February 2010

    This two tier cake went from KL to North of Peninsular Malaysia...Rantau Panjang to be exact. Wow...the distance it travelled...luckily it survived the journey and the fact that the top cake is a dummy also helps.

    It was made for my brother-in-law's sister-in-law's wedding...Haa..confusing?! My brother-in-law's wife's younger sister's wedding....Haa?! Ahh...forget it. It doesn't matter...what matter is it's my creation and I enjoyed the decoration process.

    A marbled pink drape around the cake & dusted with 'pearl' edible dust. A new decoration tool I discovered...edible dust in a rainbow of colors.Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/03/in-all-of-wedding-cake-hope-is-sweetest.html
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