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Bear Loves Honey, I Love You

    4 December 2010

    One quiet night:
    " Hello kak, I want 3D bear cake 5'' high, 8''x 6'' base"....a call from a lady cracked through my phone. " And I want it to be bride and groom bears, wearing tuxedo and white gown with veil", she added.
    " Haa...errr, can I call you back in 10 minutes ". Oh my gosh...I never make 3D bear cake before...let alone ones wearing tuxedo & gown.

     Breathe in , breathe out....."It's a challenge....you can do it", Me, talking to myself.

    10 minutes later....
    " Ok...I do it for you...royal icing and fondant decoration" , I told her but my palms were sweating ( Anxious? Nervous? Maybe...)

    So....after mixing, coloring,rolling, cutting, squeezing and...a lot more actions, this is my completed mission...AND Yeah, I did it! I am so proud of the Bears. What do you think ?

    Thanks Ika fr http://cupcake-car.blogspot.com/ for the bear pan. Appreciate it!Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2010/12/bear-loves-honey-i-love-you.html
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