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Slabs or Slaps ?

    18 November 2009

    In the mood of trying a new recipe from my book & with persuasion & ideas from the kids, I made these square shape "Chocolate Chips Slab Cookies". The kids love them...almost gone in an afternoon. Pity them I only made a batch. Next time kids!
    Photo taken by my eldest son...cool photo isn't it?

    Photo taken by me. Not bad, huh? I think....

    Saved some for my husband to bring it to the office and ....lucky me,his collegue,Huzaila likes them and ordered 2250 pieces, 3 in a package, for her wedding celebration mid-December 2009!!!
    Hmm...to take or not to take ( the order ), that is the question. I have never done so many cookies before.
    With help from my kids,my sister & her kids....cutting & packing, I can say "WE DID IT !!! "

    Photo taken right before they were whisked away by my husband on the morning of December 17, 2009. 750 packs in 3 boxes!

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/12/
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Cupcakes + Cartoons = Kids birthday celebration

    15 November 2009

    My husband's cousin, Mazura called me, "Kak, nak cupcakes boleh? Gambar cartoon, boleh? Individually packed boleh?" Me..."Boleh....". Always 'boleh'....cash for me, cupcakes for you. Good barter system !!!
    After calls & e mails, finally I am able to deliver these cupcakes. Glad she likes them. So do her kids!!!

        Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/12/
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Roses on Cupcakes

    13 November 2009

    For Faizaa to bring as wedding ceremonial gift, a.k.a. 'hantaran' , for her friend somewhere south. Quite a last minute request but I manage to complete my gumpaste roses on time. Phew!!!

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/12/
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Back to Class 2

    7 November 2009

    In midst of baking & decorating, 'magically' I can still find time to continue with Wilton Method Cake Decorating Course 2 (Flowers & Borders). It was for about 3 hours for four consecutive Saturdays. Besides I get to meet friends...only 5 of us left from the first course.
    These are what we did...clockwise from the top left hand corner : daffodils, Wilton rose, swirl rose, daisy, faces, shell borders,primrose, pansy, apple blossom, rose bud, chrysanthemum, violet, weaving & another shell border. Amazing...all royal icing flowers.

    And what's more amazing is that we had to complete a flower basket cake for the final class, Nov 7. Look at all beautiful flower baskets... aaaaa, too pretty to eat.

    My creation:

    Our creations:

    The 'graduates' with WMI Nahdzah & Yummie outlet owner, Chyntia.

    Next...Course 3 ( Fondant & Tiered Cakes)Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/12/
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More Cheese Cake

    6 November 2009

    This time the request was for the Chilled Cheese Cake to be topped with Chocolate shavings. Different from my usual request but hey...who said you have to follow a rule in tasting, flavoring or decorating! Well, there's a first time for everything. Here's the cake...looks so yummy, right?!!

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/12/
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Hello Studio 43 friends!

    1 November 2009

    I organized a small reunion for all my architecture friends, NCUK/ITM 1989-1990 (hmm...wonder if I get the year right...it was soooo long ago) at my house. Quite a number showed up..it was fun to see each other again.
    As at any gathering,there're  food, food & food! My husband was in charge of the main table...soup with noodle / bread, sandwiches, vegetable salads & many more. Me...the dessert table of course!

    I made Marble Cheese Cake, Victorian Sandwich ,Moist Chocolate cake & un-iced mini cupcakes. The kids had a lovely time decorating them with buttercream & a variety of colored sprinkles.

    Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/12/
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Western Boots Womens

Hats for Sale

Tony Lama Boots

Western Hats

Western Hat

November- December 2009 Chronicle

    Busy, busy, busy....I was really up to my neck these past two months...school holidays! Roughly 'translated' weddings & celebrations season! More orders! Yeah...that's why my blog has been a quiet place these two months. Now I am giving my self a break...before the new year 2010 starts !

    Above is just a preview of what I have been up to... details( bigger & clearer photos) will follow....Source URL: https://pucturu.blogspot.com/2009/12/
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Ladies Cowboy Boots

Cowboy Shirt

Western Decor

Western Clothes

Western Belts

Womens Cowboy Boots

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